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Einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette Nachrichte einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette,Spiel Schmuck

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Mittwoch, 25. März 2015

though hopefully the pre expansion patch

Von ennena, 03:52
glad to get more info on the "Toybox" and other storage improvements ^_^.
though hopefully the pre expansion patch introduces some form of inventory space increase, because ive already had to start "juggling" vanity and transmog items by deleting and restoring them with the item restoration feature po world of Warcraft

Freitag, 20. März 2015

Having the early speed boost helps

Von ennena, 05:19
RNV5k has proven to be one of the more durable pets, and has great stats if you find a rare one, which isn't terribly hard.
It's geared against beasts, which There you almost always come across when fighting.
Having the early speed boost helps, and thankfully it's not it's main damage attack.or world of Warcraft
The rabid bite can be tricky, and if not used careful, can bite you right back, but with it, I've been able to do massive damage to foes.
The ability to switch to a critter damage attack at 10 helps keep it versatile, and the extra plating along with it's repair capability helps in the long run as well, especially when going from one fight to the next, and not hitting up a stable master every 5 minutes.
Overall I think this pet has a good selection of skills available to it, you just need to adjust them accordingly to the fight you're going into.
This was one of the first pets I cranked to 25.

Dienstag, 17. März 2015

your ideas are out of this world

Von ennena, 03:55
your ideas are out of this world
thats actually genis World of Warcraft Gold

wait maybe that one wasn't your idea.. its genius either way to whoever mentioned the healing one

Samstag, 14. März 2015

And sometimes they even listen along

Von ennena, 14:10
And sometimes they even listen along to player-driven panels! I think when you sit down a dev or another designer, it's best if those interviews are "general topics" interviews. Because they're very rare and everyone wants the juicy details, but it's rather impossible to answer everything. And when it comes down to specifics,world of Warcraft po it's best to listen to the players who are heavily involved in the theorycrafting or progression/rating of the topic, odds are they know more than Blizzard when it comes to their spec!

Sonntag, 08. März 2015

pretty sure that same guy

Von ennena, 10:42
pretty sure that same guy was on an alt Enhance shaman, Kalisthree or something, kicking Maldiva's port cast the other night. His port cast, which in full gear is like .39 seconds. You cant even fake cast that, much less kick it. Him and his warrior acheter wow gold partner kicked it back to back. he couldnt even cast his demonic portal. Cmon now, if thats not cheating I dunno what is.

Mittwoch, 04. März 2015

There is a chart on this page that says what

Von ennena, 10:58
There is a chart on this page that says what pets are best against other pets: wow gold

Its under "Strong vs. Weak". I leave it up on my other monitor to fight pet trainers. That small chart is extremely useful at seeing what pet families you should pair against which foes.

Sonntag, 01. März 2015

Looks like it's almost that time

Von ennena, 07:10
*Sobs* Looks like it's almost that time to pack up and move on from my 8 year WoW journey and to think i went to blizzcon and was so excited for WoD, the new PTW and other micro transitions flying around everywhere will just ruin it for me wow gold fr like it ruined Rift and many other games for me..

I will try WoD but, this is getting a little too crazy for me. :/

Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015

Why are you even on the Pet Battle Forum then?

Von ennena, 10:46
Why are you even on the Pet Battle Forum then?? Oh linked.

Have you even tried or world of Warcraft WoW pet battles? You should taste it before spitting it out as inedible.

Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015

been suffering for the past years

Von ennena, 10:42
Casting while moving is the result of the ridiculous arms race the game has been suffering for the past years.
po world of Warcraft
Blizzard is giving classes more and more spells to counter their weaknesses (and to sell more). And now they realize the game is extremely bloated with that were not really needed in the first place if they had put some thought into designing abilities instead of just thinking about how to sell more.

But hey, this game is a business just like everything else.

Montag, 16. Februar 2015


Von ennena, 11:53

Wasn't feeling like I was going to PvP next x=pack because TotG felt... so bad.
world of Warcraft po
But no, not only did they remove it, but they made things even better,

Very very happy.

/dons oven mit

Freitag, 13. Februar 2015

pets with access to the move

Von ennena, 11:23
For as irritating as it is to catch, this pet is hugely inferior as a Sandstorm user to the Humanoid pets with access to the move.
No self-synergy to speak of. Disappointing for such a cute and energetic model.

Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2015

Is it because he had someone else

Von ennena, 11:49
Is it because he had someone else play his account so he could get rank one and took away that title from a player that actually earned it. If so... I GET IT
World of Warcraft Gold
Edit: but on a serious note blizzard should give this title to the person who actually earned it.

Samstag, 07. Februar 2015

so i'm a cheater even before i started

Von ennena, 06:02
well, if you are an OCD pet battler, like i was, you don't have any lvl 1 pets. :p
or wow
so i'm a cheater even before i started!

but since then i do have some level 1's, bu t i know some other people have all pets at 25.

Dienstag, 03. Februar 2015

That is SO not cool man. In fact I find it very unprofessional

Von ennena, 06:12
So..... you're actually admitting you guys just enjoy tormenting us by stirring the pot?
wow po
. While I understand a quiet forum is a sad thing, purposefully pissing off your loyal customers and fans, just to get people talking is mean spirited and spiteful.

Do you really hold us in that low regard that you enjoy making us feel bad like this?

I expected better for some reason.

Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015

Back on the thread topic

Von ennena, 04:11
Thanks, Zarhym.

Back on the thread topic wow or - I actually like this change. While I'll be sad not being able to jump every time I cast a spell, getting rid of spells we never use (Nourish, looking at you...) and slowing the pace of the game a bit would be awesome.

I've been saying over on the tank boards for a long while now that the game would be a LOT better, for both PvP and PvE, if they approximately tripled player health values. Judging by the water cooler, they agree with the idea (and the goal of slowing things down) but not the extent, which is fine.