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Freitag, 08. August 2014

world of warcraft Buffs and Debuffs

Von ennena, 08:13
All specializations provide some common buffs and debuffs. These are important to the game because they encourage cooperation, make you stronger when you work together with others, and promote Raid composition diversity. However, we saw room to revise these buffs and debuffs. In addition to the above euwowgold changes, we revised which buffs and debuffs are provided by Hunter pets. Please see the Hunter Pet Abilities section for a full list of changes.

Two new stats have been added that benefitted all players. Also added were three new debuffs (Weakened Armor, Physical Vulnerability, and Magic Vulnerability) that each benefitted only half of the group. While that could be interesting, the two physical debuffs were redundant, and felt that the two new stats would be better suited as raid buffs. So, we made that replacement.

    Weakened Armor, Physical Vulnerability, and Magic Vulnerability
        Death Knight (Frost): Brittle Bones has been removed.
        Death Knight (Unholy): Ebon Plaguebringer no longer causes Physical Vulnerability.
        Druid: Faerie Fire no longer applies Weakened Armor.
        Paladin (Retribution): Judgments of the Bold no longer causes Physical Vulnerability.
        Rogue: Expose Armor no longer applies Weakened Armor.
        Rogue: Master Poisoner has been removed.
        Warlock: Curse of the Elements has been removed.
        Warrior: Sunder Armor no longer applies Weakened Armor.
        Warrior (Arms, Fury): Colossus Smash no longer causes Physical Vulnerability.
        Warrior (Protection): Devastate no longer applies Weakened Armor.
        Death Knight (Frost, Unholy): Unholy Aura now also provides 3% Versatility.
        Druid: Mark of the Wild now also provides 3% Versatility.
        Paladin (Retribution): Sanctity Aura is a new passive ability for Retribution Paladins which grants 3% Versatility to the Paladin and all allies within 100 yards.
        Warrior (Arms, Fury): Inspiring Presence is a new passive ability for Arms and Fury Warriors which grants 3% Versatility to the Warrior and all allies within 100 yards.
        Monk (Windwalker): Windflurry is a new passive ability for Windwalker Monks which grants 5% Multistrike to the Monk and all allies within 100 yards.
        Priest (Shadow): Mind Quickening now also grants 5% Multistrike.
        Rogue: Swiftblade’s Cunning now also grants 5% Multistrike.
        Warlock: Dark Intent now grants 5% Multistrike instead of 10% Stamina.
            Blood Pact is a new passive ability for Warlocks which grants 10% Stamina to the Warlock and all allies within 100 yards.

Weakened Blows was a debuff that mattered almost exclusively to tanks, and that every tank automatically applied. We removed the debuff and reduced creature damage to compensate.

    Weakened Blows
        The following abilities no longer apply the Weakened Blows effect.
            Death Knight (Blood): Scarlet Fever
            Druid: Thrash
            Monk: Keg Smash
            Paladin: Crusader Strike; Hammer of the Righteous
            Shaman: Earth Shock
            Warrior: Thunder Clap

The Cast Speed Slow was a debuff type that mattered almost exclusively to PvP, and made combat much less fun for casters in addition to encouraging the use of instant-cast spells. We decided that it was best to remove casting speed debuffs. 

    Cast Speed Slows
        The following abilities no longer slow the target’s casting speed by 50%.
            Death Knight: Necrotic Strike
            Mage (Arcane): Slow
                Additionally, Slow can now affect more than one target at a time.
        The following abilities have been removed.
            Rogue: Mind-numbing Poison
            Warlock: Curse of Enfeeblement

As part of a push to combine the different types of Haste in the game as much as possible, we merged Spell Haste and Attack Speed into just Haste, which benefits everyone.

    Spell Haste and Attack Speed
        The following abilities now provide a 5% increase to melee, ranged, and spell Haste to all Party and Raid members (previously they only increased spell Haste).
            Priest (Shadow): Mind Quickening
            Shaman (Elemental): Elemental Oath
        The following abilities now provide a 5% increase to melee, ranged, and spell Haste to all Party and Raid members (instead of a 10% increase to only melee and ranged attack speed).
            Death Knight (Frost, Unholy): Unholy Aura
            Shaman (Enhancement): Unleashed Rage
            Rogue: Swiftblade’s Cunning

Some classes received new abilities to provide some of harder-to-find buffs/debuffs, increasing their utility to the Party or Raid.

        Legacy of the White Tiger is now also learned by Brewmaster Monks, granting a 5% increase to Critical Strike chance for all Party and Raid members.
        Moonkin Form now grants increased Mastery instead of 5% to Spell Haste.
        Power of the Grave is a new passive ability learned by Blood Death Knights.
            Power of the Grave grants a bonus to Mastery for all allies within 100 yards.