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Dienstag, 19. August 2014

New Connected Realms Coming *Updated 10/21

Von ennena, 04:14
11: 51 a.m. PDT - Additional time is going to be required to complete the below connections, and we're estimating these realms to be live again by approximately 1:00 p.m. PDT. All other connections will be live by their previously estimated 12:00 PDT.

Onyxia and Burning Blade
Dalvengyr and Dark Iron

10/21- We're estimating that the below realms will require an additional hour of downtime as we continue to work on these realm connections, and expect them to playable again by approximately 12:00 p.m. PDT. We appreciate your continued patience. wow po All other realms are now live.

Onyxia and Burning Blade
Maiev and Bloodscalp/Boulderfist
Dalvengyr and Dark Iron


10/18- We will performing maintenance on the realms listed below on Monday, October 21 from 5:00 a.m. PDT until approximately 11:00 a.m. PDT. Once these are available again, these connections will be complete.


As a part of our ongoing Connected Realms implementation, we will be connecting additional pairs of realms as listed below. We don’t have a specific date yet on when these connections will occur, but we’ll provide another update once we do. Please be aware that as a part of the connection process realm times may change to match each other.

Next Realm Connection Pairs:

    Balnazzar and Warsong
    Gurubashi and Aegwynn
    Dalvengyr and Dark Iron
    Garithos and Chromaggus
    Onyxia and Burning Blade
    Maiev and Bloodscalp/Boulderfist

We're currently evaluating further realm connections and will provide updates as they're available.