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Einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette Nachrichte einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette,Spiel Schmuck

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Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

There are no rabbits up our sleeves

Von ennena, 04:22
I'm going to address this, even though this is something we've addressed many times before.

PvP is not balanced around 1vs1. We want people to group, rely on each other, fight together. That philosophy hasn't changed. We don't balance around one particular class. We don't balance based on who is playing what class this week. We balance around an overall picture of point and counterpoint in relation to groups. (Meaning 2 or more at the least.)

We say this often, but we play a variety of classes as a company as do the developers themselves. We play the game the same as anyone else. There are no rabbits up our sleeves. We do not have nor use GM powers in the game. We work for our gear, make our mistakes, succeed, fail, try again, the same as any other player.

We understand that there are those that feel that there are ongoing imbalances. We're aware of these concerns and as always, would like to remind everyone that balance is always ongoing for the game. That means, we are always taking in your constructive feedback providing it is constructive.