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Einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette Nachrichte einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette,Spiel Schmuck

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Freitag, 07. November 2014

then remembered it was bugged

Von ennena, 04:20
There was a rolling restat on all the realms this morning. Did that fix it? I looked and noticed I need some earth so was going to go there today then remembered it was bugged.

Did the restarts this morning acheter wow po apply the fix. Please say it is so.
I also did this transmute in Deepholm and got nothing. I have had a ticket in for this for two days and heard nothing back yet. Will we be getting the original uncrafted items back when this is fixed? Or will we get the crafted items and the skill up that should have resulted?

I bought the items and did the crafting specifically for the skill up and now I have neither :(