Which DRs in CC are now shared?
Von ennena, 03:43Ok, this should be good.
Which DRs in CC are now shared?
Are you actively shifting focus acheter wow po away from spam control to some form of skill play?
Can we get a mirrored AV map? Or an option for classic AV? Or some form of AV that show cases the madding fun it was way back when......
Healing can be a nightmare as a shammy, can I look forward to another new galaxy of interrupts, silences and school lock-outs?
Are we firmly and finally done with rock v. scissors v. paper model or do I have to dread the return of that?
Being chain CC'd for 100-0 is not fun....well other than the 2 insta's I get off. That is not a question. It is a statement of fact.
I like that you are removing insta-cast heals.
Can we get some meat and potato information on design philosophy of BGs. Because PlayerVsWall in that certain BG was not fun....and I would love a look into the thought process of how BGs are designed.
Which DRs in CC are now shared?
Are you actively shifting focus acheter wow po away from spam control to some form of skill play?
Can we get a mirrored AV map? Or an option for classic AV? Or some form of AV that show cases the madding fun it was way back when......
Healing can be a nightmare as a shammy, can I look forward to another new galaxy of interrupts, silences and school lock-outs?
Are we firmly and finally done with rock v. scissors v. paper model or do I have to dread the return of that?
Being chain CC'd for 100-0 is not fun....well other than the 2 insta's I get off. That is not a question. It is a statement of fact.
I like that you are removing insta-cast heals.
Can we get some meat and potato information on design philosophy of BGs. Because PlayerVsWall in that certain BG was not fun....and I would love a look into the thought process of how BGs are designed.