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Montag, 26. Januar 2015

or some such Is work being done

Von ennena, 04:11
Then why does every other blue response say that no work is being done to resolve the issue because it "usually resolves itself after some time" or some such? Is work being done, or are we just waiting patiently? I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a little bit of clarity here. It's a bit disheartening to imagine we're just supposed to "wait and see" if the problem fixes itself. It's been almost a month now. Unless the data is being printed out and entered by hand by a bunch of high school interns, I really don't think it's just going to up and fix itself any time soon.
po wow
The problem isn't exclusive to Armory, either. In-game mail has issues on these realms, guild info log is corrupt, guild bank withdrawal and deposit logs are inaccurate, cross-realm groups are not working properly, raids were irrevocably reset, etc., etc.