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Einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette Nachrichte einige Produkte auf dem Spiel wie wow Ring,Halskette,Spiel Schmuck

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Freitag, 10. April 2015

expletive changed so there's no funny symbols

Von ennena, 13:19
Soooo... will one the options be to just outright stop players from certain servers from being in your group? I mean I'd gladly queue for six hours just to avoid getting A52 in my group. Call me weird but getting whispered that I'm an effin (expletive changed so there's no funny symbols) scrub and that I should go get killed in a car crash doesn't exactly fill me with warm and fuzzies for people from said realm. In fact 96% of my issue with LFR comes when I get grouped with people from A 52. Insulting comment about DPS 9/10ths of the time A 52 player. Insulting comment about Tanking ,Healing, Or a DPS Recount Meter spammed without asking 9/10th of the time A 52 player.
I could go on but I feel my point is made please try and work on realm ban for your grouping options. I'd rather die a lot and have fun with a less then awesome performing group then get a stellar group and spend most of my time clicking ignore cause of toxic behavior.