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Mittwoch, 03. Juni 2015

daily and we don't ever get a response

Von ennena, 14:04
Don't forget about the pure atrocious state of Mistweavers. I mean I know I have been tweeting, and I know a few other MW have been sending tweets daily and we don't ever get a response.
Would really like to know if the Devs are even aware of how craptastic this spec is in arena. I don't even need to hear that they are going to do something. I only want to know if they are aware of the problem.

Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015

Two Horde PvP realms picked second. Shocking

Von ennena, 07:30
Two Horde PvP realms picked second. Shocking.
World of Warcraft Gold
I guess Alliance realms that need help keep getting missed accidentally.

You also picked two realms that are not too bad versus trying to help realms that are dead or dying.

Good work.

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2015

I'm more concerned about the number of healers

Von ennena, 08:17
I'm more concerned about the number of healers to group size. A group of 15 players with 3 healers, I wouldn't want to invite any more dps who want to go, unless I can also get another healer. or wow

Sonntag, 24. Mai 2015

You MIGHT want to clarify that it is US Bloodscalp

Von ennena, 07:47
Maiev, and...Bloodscalp?
You MIGHT want to clarify that it is US Bloodscalp, and Not the EU one. Might confuse some people. wow po

Dienstag, 19. Mai 2015

Also thank you Neth for a quick update

Von ennena, 14:47
Ah, Kelv a forum regular is getting connected. Maybe he'll give us some heads up how things go.
wow or
Also thank you Neth for a quick update. This is exactly what will keep down the pitchforks and torches.

You should totally do Dath'Remar and Khaz'Goroth next so you can also see if having people from halfway across the world causes any kinks. <.<

Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

Listen and listen good because I am only gunna say this once

Von ennena, 13:44
Listen and listen good because I am only gunna say this once.

I am a healer in arenas, if I fail and my dps partner dies then I quit. There is no questing this. YOU QUIT. You quit because YOU FAILED. You lost fairly.
po wow
The only exception is when you have a chance to take out the remaining enemies.

For example, not long ago my partner died and the enemy healer died leaving me to go up against the mage which I fought until the CCY debuff happened.

Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015

Female tauren have needed a redo since day

Von ennena, 15:56
Female tauren have needed a redo since day 1. They are incredibly buggy.

You know the short cut in RFD that you take by jumping down on to a vine and sneaking across? Female tauren couldn't do it - they're too 'big' - even though the males can!
acheter wow po
You know how you had to sneak around the debris in Tidewalker's room by hugging a wall to get to the ideal positioning? Female tauren are too fat for that! EVEN THOUGH THE MEN AREN'T.

Plus their eyes are always closed on the character portrait >:(

<-only female tauren in my guild during SSC ><

Dienstag, 28. April 2015

Why is this? If you're expecting that with acheter wow gold

Von ennena, 15:07
Why is this? If you're expecting that with a roster size of 20, people can be expected to specifically recruit to have people of that class available (e.g. 1 Mage, 1 Lock etc.), that also holds true for a 15-man roster as well, especially since a 15-man roster will involve more than 15 people - that when they get to the size of 13-15, they can cherry pick recruitment to pick up the ones they're missing.acheter wow gold

It clearly doesn't work for 10-man for obvious reasons, but this distinction ..... doesn't really make sense. If you were saying that you feel 20-mans feel more epic, that's a solid point (even if subjective).

Donnerstag, 23. April 2015

I agree with the Tauren hands

Von ennena, 14:47
I agree with the Tauren hands, they're too human looking, maybe add the fur they have on the cinematics, or make them lighter. I like how "cute" it looks, Tauren are supposed to be a peaceful and gentle race, but I'm sure they will have more aggressive looking face options. Their hair should also be messier, the middle part looks like they're having a school picture taken.
World of Warcraft(EUR)
The orc looks good, but they also need a more savage face option, and a straight back option. The current face looks great imo, but it is a bit peon-y, and I'm sure not all orc players want that.

Montag, 20. April 2015

This is one of my favorite pets

Von ennena, 12:50
This is one of my favorite pets. It has a few sets it can pull off, depending on what you want. It was a cornerstone of my Lightning Storm team for a long time with tongue lash, poison lash, and kick. With Crush/Sticky goo, though, you can use it to exploit good matchups for the Hopling or teammates.
wow gold
She was on one of my two primary teams going for 150 wins originally. People are never prepared for the Hopling. My favorite was fighting double sunflower and an imp and they slowly wore my team down to just her. She then proceeded to solo the team with a wide array of tongue and foot action. Good times.

Dienstag, 14. April 2015

given the circumstances

Von ennena, 15:49

Good luck to you! You had a rough job and I believe you did the best you could do, given the circumstances.
P.S. By Priest you mean Mage, right?

Freitag, 10. April 2015

expletive changed so there's no funny symbols

Von ennena, 13:19
Soooo... will one the options be to just outright stop players from certain servers from being in your group? I mean I'd gladly queue for six hours just to avoid getting A52 in my group. Call me weird but getting whispered that I'm an effin (expletive changed so there's no funny symbols) scrub and that I should go get killed in a car crash doesn't exactly fill me with warm and fuzzies for people from said realm. In fact 96% of my issue with LFR comes when I get grouped with people from A 52. Insulting comment about DPS 9/10ths of the time A 52 player. Insulting comment about Tanking ,Healing, Or a DPS Recount Meter spammed without asking 9/10th of the time A 52 player.
I could go on but I feel my point is made please try and work on realm ban for your grouping options. I'd rather die a lot and have fun with a less then awesome performing group then get a stellar group and spend most of my time clicking ignore cause of toxic behavior.

Sonntag, 05. April 2015

Why not just make the ability Hunter based then?

Von ennena, 06:57
Why not just make the ability Hunter based then? I have always thought it seemed a little clunky with Master's call always being there and RoS only with cunning pet. I bind them similarly.
This change really seems pretty heavy handed, considering hunters are not exactly dominating arena ladders atm. Dont get me wrong, they are ok, but it seems like the majority of forum crying and ladder spots are devoted to mages and warriors.

Mittwoch, 01. April 2015

ppl are using flex is to gear them up enough for normals

Von ennena, 07:40
To be perfectly honest. The mechanic of flex (being able to alter the size of your raid) was a good idea. However, I do not think it is correct to base the success of flex based wow po off of how often it is used. Same with lfr, the reason ppl are using flex is to gear them up enough for normals. you would see the same amount of uses of H dungeons if they were used in progression as well. So saying the community embraced it because it was a good idea overall is not really accurate. They embraced it because they had to in order to gear up.

Samstag, 28. März 2015

I suppose it fits thematically with the pet

Von ennena, 12:05
Haymaker would be nasty with the Steam Vents buff up

Movesets weird though. If you take Haymaker you don't really have a viable attack to spam every turn. Counterstrike doesn't synergize with the slot 3 moves either. Overtune does at least, but yeah, sucks to have to use that repeatedly. Counterstrike doesn't seem to be the right move for this S/B breed pet, but I suppose it fits thematically with the pet being a brawler and what not.
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Personally, I'd suggest putting Haymaker in the L15 spot, and L10 can go to another spammable move, likely Demolish in this case being Mechanical (at least when the accuracy gets fixed). Overtune is fine like it is to synergize with the slot 3 moves.