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Freitag, 12. September 2014

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention

Von ennena, 04:46
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. It’s not a bug, though, and Real ID Party doesn’t change the way this system is intended to function.

We certainly don’t want players skipping queues and getting an unfair advantage over players that are waiting patiently. Ultimately, the Dungeon Finder rule system is much more “intelligent” than you might think: players who abuse the system may find that they are removed when their tank compatriot leaves, regardless of how long they were already in the dungeon.

Dienstag, 09. September 2014

in the Rate of Change blog not long ago

Von ennena, 05:22
As we mentioned in the Rate of Change blog not long ago, we feel like we have reached a point where too many changes can do as much damage as not enough changes. It shouldn’t be too surprising to see lots of requests (or demands!) here on the forums for balance changes, whether those are small numbers tweaks or larger ability redesigns. The risk of the echo chamber wow po effect can be strong though. A great majority of players don’t participate in forum discussions at all, and even among those who do, it tends to be those with a grievance who make a post. Indifferent players don’t often post to say they are indifferent, and many players won’t expend the effort to publicly state that they disagree with your idea. (When they do, they also risk igniting some exhausting flame wars.) But you have to remember that even if it seems like “everyone” is rallying for a certain change, you’re not seeing the majority and you have no idea if they would agree with the necessity of the change.

Donnerstag, 04. September 2014

or any other future enhancments

Von ennena, 04:27
There are players who collect companions and enjoy it very much. This will provide them with some additional content to expand on what they enjoy the most. I am sure there will be wow gold many additional items added to the game. I see the pet battle system no different than the games at Darkmoon Fair, coming soon trial runs, or any other future enhancments.

Games get developed in their own unique way. This does not mean they are all the same. Just because WoW is an MMO does not mean all future MMOs are to be called WoW. They are not the same

Mittwoch, 03. September 2014

New Beta Build Coming Up Later Today (May 8)

Von ennena, 05:00
We have a new build of the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria beta client almost ready to push live, and it will come up later today. This new build includes a new zone (Townlong Steppes), new quests, and new scenarios.

Please be aware that players testing on 64-bit versions of a Mac OS will be unable to play during this build. There is an issue in this build with Mac-64, and we didn’t want that issue to delay testing for the majority of players.

We expect that we will release the next build, which will include a fix for the Mac-64 issue, later this week.

Thank you for your feedback and continued testing of Mists of Pandaria.

Dienstag, 02. September 2014

Go go unnecessary product placement

Von ennena, 03:58
A lot of these are very good questions, but as with so many tales, telling you too much now would risk spoiling what’s to come. You’ll just have to hang tight and experience the journey ahead firsthand as it happens.

I’d also humbly suggest that if you are curious about the storms that are brewing in Azeroth, wow gold you would do well to check out the new World of Warcraft novel, Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War. The book delves into quite a number of prominent lore figures as they try to find their place during these uncertain and turbulent times.

Montag, 01. September 2014

Thank you Blizzard! :)

Von ennena, 04:27
I just want to say thank you to all the Blizzard staff who worked so hard on Mists of Pandaria. As much as I loved BC, Wrath, and Cata, (and of course vanilla) I have to say that Mists is without a doubt my favorite expansion so far.

From the moment I set foot in Pandaria,euwowgold I have been enthralled in the quest lines like I haven't been before. I'm usually just rush-rush-rushing through the quests just to squeeze the XP out of them.. but now I find myself stopping to smell the metophorical roses and I actually feel involved in the storyline. Not to mention the beautiful scenery too!

*****Quest spoiler alert!*****

When the Jade Serpent statue fell during that questline I actually found myself gasping (full-on hand-over-mouth gasping too) out loud. And when I saw that the Horde at the Hozen base had captured Anduin? I literally said "Oh [removed]!!" when I saw him.

*****End Quest Spoilers!*****

So yes, I just wanted to say thanks to all the staff (moderators included! <3) I love the way Mists of Pandaria feels so far and I can't wait to get further into it. I hope it's affecting others the same way. I know MoP is getting a lot of flak and I don't know why. Best of luck in Pandaria, fellow WoW Lovers. :)

Freitag, 29. August 2014

LFR is relevant right now For sure

Von ennena, 04:01
LFR will remain relevant through this particular tier because it is the first one.
LFR is relevant right now. For sure. wow po My guild for an example is 3/6 H, and 25 man (so we get bonus loots), and at least a third of my raid could still use an upgrade from LFR just due to RNG. We're still going in there! And, when you release HOF and Terrace LFR, I will certainly be in there tons to grab my tier. I have to plan all these LFRs into my week. I know this is a unique situation right now because it is the very beginning of the expansion. I am hoping that you guys' plans to devalue LFR for raiders kick in in a couple tiers with the ilvl changes; however, at this very moment, you should really believe that raiders of ALL flavors are running it.

Mittwoch, 27. August 2014

you can find all the dev Q&As here

Von ennena, 04:40
    anything on the vine about transmog updates? particularly the whole main hand/one hand restrictions wow gold? I'm giving you folks time of course, but come on! ;)

I'm glad you asked! Seems like a fitting time to plug the developer Q&As that were recently posted. Ghostcrawler shares that we're planning to relax some transmog rules in Patch 5.2 during the interview he did with All Things Azeroth. You can find all the dev Q&As here.

Montag, 25. August 2014

I apologize for the error on our part

Von ennena, 04:03
I just wanted to offer some context for the recent tuning hotfixes to the Horridon and Council of Elders encounters in the Throne of Thunder raid.

First off, the Council change, wow or reducing their health in 10-player modes, was honestly just a bug fix. Yes, it made the encounter easier, which also makes it a nerf, but we simply goofed on the numbers. We generally aim for a 3:1 ratio of health for enemies in 25-player raids as compared to 10-player mode, since 25-player raids typically have ~17 DPS and 10-player raids have 5 or 6. Instead, the ratio on the bosses themselves (but not the Loa spirits or Sand Elementals) was mistakenly 2.5:1, and we didn’t notice until we started taking a closer look at why 10-player groups seemed to be having a harder time with the encounter. I apologize for the error on our part.

Second, regarding Horridon, that change was an intentional difficulty adjustment, with the aim of smoothing out the difficulty curve of the first section of the raid. By reducing the health of the trolls pouring out of each gate, we reduced the DPS requirement (and thus the gear requirement) of the encounter, but generally kept the mechanics checks intact. The trolls having 10-15% less health doesn’t mean that raids can suddenly fail to interrupt Venom Priests, ignore Effusions, stand in Sand Traps, or cuddle up with Frozen Orbs. It just means that there’s a lower DPS requirement to keep up with the waves while doing so.

Freitag, 22. August 2014

Sacred Shield

Von ennena, 04:44
Regarding Sacred Shield, we tried giving the talent as a baseline ability to Protection, but we’re unhappy with that experiment and are likely to revert the change. We agree that the current (old) version of Sacred Shield is more attractive to Holy than the wow po (new) version. We also would likely have to nerf Protection to compensate for getting Holy Shield in addition to another talent. Overall, we think the current (old) version of Sacred Shield is a better design. Perhaps we can still make Sacred Shield more attractive for Holy and Retribution, and make the other two talents (Selfless Healer, Eternal Flame) more attractive to Protection.

Donnerstag, 21. August 2014

Mana Tea will remain at 4% mana restored per stack

Von ennena, 07:20
As it looks like several of the changes I mentioned as being reverted are starting to pop up on datamining sites, here's a list of what we've already reverted internally:

    Mana Tea will remain at 4% mana restored per stack
    Expel Harm, Soothing Mist, and Crackling Jade Lightning mana cost nerfs will be reverted
    Renewing Mist will continue to generate Chi.

Again, those are changes that we've already decided not to go through with, but the current PTR build was put together before that decision was made. As some have already pointed out, making those changes would require large changes elsewhere, which in turn would likely cause even more changes to be necessary, and so on. It's a bit too much to try to squeeze in for 5.4.

Also note that, while we are going to make changes related to Mistweaver mana gameplay in the future, they may not be these specific changes. It's something that's still under heavy discussion.

Mittwoch, 20. August 2014

surrounding Ordos using the Albatrosses

Von ennena, 04:11
It is correct that you need the legendary cloak to fight Fire-God Ordos. It's not half of the Timeless Isle. It's one boss -- literally one thing on the isle you can't access without the wow gold legendary cloak. You can still get to the area surrounding Ordos using the Albatrosses.

It wasn't designed this way to give us a laugh. The vast majority of the Timeless Isle is open to everyone at level 90, including the four celestials you can fight.

We feel that rewarding those who have invested time into the entire legendary quest chain with access to fight Ordos is justifiable. He's analogous to Oondasta and Galleon in terms of difficulty and loot quality, but isn't just another really rare spawn that can be zerged by everyone in the area, or friends being invited and summoned in.

The original implementations of wow po Galleon and Oondasta were both a little problematic. We wanted to try out a different type of barrier to entry for players who want to fight this boss. And it's fitting that the people who have progressed through the legendary quest chain as it's unfolded, and completed the chain as soon as it was possible to do so (today), get access to him first.

After all, if you haven't been working on the legendary quest chain and/or aren't all that into raiding, it's probably not super important for you to fight this particular raid boss on the first day he's even in the game.

Fortunately you can still complete the legendary quest chain if you want access to the inner-sanctum where Ordos is hanging out (the area you defined as "half of the Timeless Isle"). And it's still perfectly viable to complete the quest chain with all of the updates to it in patch 5.4.

Dienstag, 19. August 2014

New Connected Realms Coming *Updated 10/21

Von ennena, 04:14
11: 51 a.m. PDT - Additional time is going to be required to complete the below connections, and we're estimating these realms to be live again by approximately 1:00 p.m. PDT. All other connections will be live by their previously estimated 12:00 PDT.

Onyxia and Burning Blade
Dalvengyr and Dark Iron

10/21- We're estimating that the below realms will require an additional hour of downtime as we continue to work on these realm connections, and expect them to playable again by approximately 12:00 p.m. PDT. We appreciate your continued patience. wow po All other realms are now live.

Onyxia and Burning Blade
Maiev and Bloodscalp/Boulderfist
Dalvengyr and Dark Iron


10/18- We will performing maintenance on the realms listed below on Monday, October 21 from 5:00 a.m. PDT until approximately 11:00 a.m. PDT. Once these are available again, these connections will be complete.


As a part of our ongoing Connected Realms implementation, we will be connecting additional pairs of realms as listed below. We don’t have a specific date yet on when these connections will occur, but we’ll provide another update once we do. Please be aware that as a part of the connection process realm times may change to match each other.

Next Realm Connection Pairs:

    Balnazzar and Warsong
    Gurubashi and Aegwynn
    Dalvengyr and Dark Iron
    Garithos and Chromaggus
    Onyxia and Burning Blade
    Maiev and Bloodscalp/Boulderfist

We're currently evaluating further realm connections and will provide updates as they're available.

Montag, 18. August 2014

mainly tweaks to existing numbers

Von ennena, 04:38
We are looking at reducing or completely removing baseline Resilience, but it's a big change and requires other larger changes to go with it. Changes that big we tend wow gold to wait until an expansion (Warlords) to make - as well as a lot of testing and feedback from y'all during beta. We do have some changes with Season 15, but they won't be a huge departure from where we're already at, mainly tweaks to existing numbers.

Lore has made a couple posts on PvP Power/gear on the Arena forum so make sure you read these too:

Freitag, 15. August 2014

Battleground Honor Adjustments

Von ennena, 04:27
We’ve recently taken another look at the rate of Honor gains in various Battlegrounds, and have concluded that current Honor gains in several Battlegrounds are too low. To that end, we’ll be making several changes to the way that Honor bonuses are rewarded in those battlegrounds, as follows:

In Arathi Basin, Battle for Gilneas, and Eye of the Storm, we’ll be increasing the frequency at which you’ll be rewarded bonus Honor based on the points your team has earned. Currently, you earn bonus Honor every 260 points (or 200 if that battleground is the current Call to Arms) in these battlegrounds. As a part of this adjustment, we’re going to lower the number to 130 (or 100 during Call to Arms).

We’re also making a similar change to Silvershard Mines. Currently bonus Honor is earned for every 265 points (or every 160 if Silvershard is the current Call to Arms). After the change, you’ll earn bonus Honor every 200 points (or 130 during Call to Arms).

Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks are getting a slightly different treatment. Because these matches tend to take longer than the above Battlegrounds (which directly affects the rate at which you earn Honor from playing them) we wanted to make some changes to speed them up a bit. To do this we’re going to apply the Focused Assault debuff 1 minute after both flags have been picked up, which is 2 minutes earlier than it does currently. Once it’s begun to apply, it will continue to increase at the current rate of 1 stack every minute. On top of that, we’re adding a new bonus at the end of the match euwowgold: For every flag you prevent the opposing team from capturing (so, every flag under 3), you’ll earn 18 extra Honor.

Lastly, in Strand of the Ancients, we’re doubling the bonus a team earns for destroying a gate (or preventing it from being destroyed).

These hotfixes are currently in wow or production, and will be applied as soon as they are ready. We’ll have an update in the official Hotfix blog once they’re active. We look forward to seeing you on the fields of battle!