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Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2014

seeing all the other classes' pruning

Von ennena, 04:14
Thank you for clearing it up! Understand it a bit more now. Especially after seeing all the other classes' pruning.

I guess in the end you are right, wow gold scare beast only was ever used for that specific purpose of fearing a druid, as you said "Extremely niche cases in pvp"

Montag, 08. Dezember 2014

creating a build that's not only stable

Von ennena, 04:46
We're working on creating a build that's not only stable, but ensures that alpha participants are able to fully test the latest Warlords content -- such as the Shadowmoon Valley Alliance quest and Garrison content, and the Tanaan Jungle introductory Draenor experience. That said, we don't currently expect that a new build will be ready for release today. Our goal remains to release a solid build as soon as possible, and we'll provide further updates once we have a wow gold fr more specific timeframe for bringing the alpha realms back online.

We can't wait to give you an early opportunity to step through the Dark Portal into Tanaan Jungle, and break ground on your Alliance Garrison in Shadowmoon Valley! Thank you for bearing with us during this time. :)

Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 2014

buff is currently live and active and will remain

Von ennena, 04:03
Gaze of the Black Prince buff is currently live and active and will remain active through Tuesday, August 26 at 9:00 a.m. PDT.

Thank you for bringing or world of Warcraft this to our attention. Our blog has been updated. :)

Dienstag, 02. Dezember 2014

Deeds of Valor will become inactive

Von ennena, 03:46
In upcoming patch 6.0.2, Deeds of Valor will become inactive.

Additionally, any Justice or Valor po world of Warcraft Points that's inside an award chest/bag/satchel/etc. will no longer be there. So use em if you got them.

Freitag, 28. November 2014

may not be reflected in tooltips

Von ennena, 03:14
Giving everyone a heads up on class balance changes that could potentially take effect as early as later tonight. Many of these changes may not be reflected in tooltips.

These changes are primarily aimed at level 100 balance, but they will have reasonable effects in the meantime as well. Please keep the comments constructive, and we expect to be making a few additional tuning changes in the future.

Death Knight
• Scourge Strike’s damage world of Warcraft po has been increased by 50%.
• Necrosis’ damage has been increased by 67%.
• Unholy Might now increases Strength by 5% (down from 10%).

• Starfall’s damage has been increased by 75%.
• Starfire’s damage has been increased by 25%.
• Starsurge’s damage has been increased by 25%.
• Wrath’s damage has been increased by 25%.

Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

being eligible for the next upgrade

Von ennena, 03:28
Here to provide additional clarification on the hotfix note that went out yesterday, November 17.
Draenor's Secret Power: Completion of this quest is now required before being able to move onto the next step of the Legendary quest chain. For characters that skipped this quest, completion of this quest has also been made into a requirement before being eligible for the next upgrade.

This means players that skipped the quest will still have to complete Draenor's Secret Power before being eligible for the next upgrade. That last part wasn't included until now cause I was tunnel visioning on hotfixes and glossed over the supplemental email for the change. Hope this clears any confusion up.

Montag, 24. November 2014

distinguish themselves based on the content

Von ennena, 03:33
Customizable signatures are not a feature that's currently planned for this community site. We're confident, though, that players will still be able to distinguish themselves based on the content of their forum posts and comments.

As a related aside, World of Warcraft Gold if you would like to provide feedback on the website or recommend additional features and/or functionality, please feel free to visit the Website Features Request forum

Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

TOON was logged on during the event

Von ennena, 03:05
It may be bind on account, but it was also handed out EXCLUSIVELY during the 5th anniversary event. or wow They stopped sending it when the event ended. Once they converted it, No toons made after could get it. That is how it is, and how it should be. It doesn't matter if the account was logged on during the event, it matters if the TOON was logged on during the event.

Dienstag, 18. November 2014

support of Diablo III for some time since

Von ennena, 03:27
Thanks, I actually do appreciate that. After such a long absence on these forums (I had gone to a strict support of Diablo III for some time since being Drysc) that since my return I've felt that there's been some amount of people that have taken my tone as an insult, and I had been on a course of thinking that they'd perhaps prefer a yes-man that only nods and thanks them for their suggestion. That's certainly not my role, not our role as community managers, and while it's not to incite a riot either I feel like the task of interacting wow po as a fellow player (and maybe more importantly human being) trumps any potential unpleasantness it may cause in having a company representative (which I reluctantly admit I'll always be) actually question or refute the customer requests and desires. It's certainly not a retail experience, and that's a good thing.

Donnerstag, 13. November 2014

opening the portal for BC was smooth

Von ennena, 03:25
I remember opening the portal for BC was smooth. I remember turning on the portals to Northrend being smooth.

The only trick, at least for BC, wow or was logging out and back in before you could port to Outland. I'm not sure if the same was true for Northrend, although I was doing it anyway. Either way, there's no maintenance period planned for midnight, it's just a command we run on all the servers, and assuming your account is upgraded, shazam, everything opens up.

Dienstag, 11. November 2014

insightful this discussion has been

Von ennena, 04:17
I can certainly ask!

Actually, I'm quite impressed with how constructive and insightful this discussion has been, with respect to how to potentially improve Beginners Tooltips. I'll be bringing a lot of the feedback to our designers when next we meet, and I'll be happy to pass po wow along your question at that time.

(I don't know about an AddOn, though. Perhaps you may want to inquire within our UI and Macros forum? It's definitely a good place to start.)

Freitag, 07. November 2014

then remembered it was bugged

Von ennena, 04:20
There was a rolling restat on all the realms this morning. Did that fix it? I looked and noticed I need some earth so was going to go there today then remembered it was bugged.

Did the restarts this morning acheter wow po apply the fix. Please say it is so.
I also did this transmute in Deepholm and got nothing. I have had a ticket in for this for two days and heard nothing back yet. Will we be getting the original uncrafted items back when this is fixed? Or will we get the crafted items and the skill up that should have resulted?

I bought the items and did the crafting specifically for the skill up and now I have neither :(

Mittwoch, 05. November 2014

system are always a possibility

Von ennena, 03:54
We're always looking for ways to improve the gaming experience, be it by developing new technology or streamlining existing systems (i.e. phasing). We've made some great improvements since Wrath of the Lich King with respect to phasing, acheter wow gold and I imagine we will continue to make improvements as we move forward with new content. While there's nothing specific on the table right now, we're never really satisfied with the status quo, and further amendments to the system are always a possibility.

Montag, 03. November 2014

effective communication and team work

Von ennena, 03:42
Regardless of the circumstances, thanks for trying to maintain a good thread where the social component of tackling dungeons as a group can be discussed with World of Warcraft(EUR) maturity, Razbrim. ;)

I like the idea of people reaching out to other people in this community to determine just what is effective communication and team work.

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014

work on software and testing is work

Von ennena, 03:44
I get paid to work on software and testing is work.

I'm sure you will tune it perfectly on test,wow gold with PTR players who are usually above average.

Then when we go back to the dungeons post patch we will just need 4 real world healers to get through a heroic instead of 3.