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Montag, 26. Januar 2015

or some such Is work being done

Von ennena, 04:11
Then why does every other blue response say that no work is being done to resolve the issue because it "usually resolves itself after some time" or some such? Is work being done, or are we just waiting patiently? I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a little bit of clarity here. It's a bit disheartening to imagine we're just supposed to "wait and see" if the problem fixes itself. It's been almost a month now. Unless the data is being printed out and entered by hand by a bunch of high school interns, I really don't think it's just going to up and fix itself any time soon.
po wow
The problem isn't exclusive to Armory, either. In-game mail has issues on these realms, guild info log is corrupt, guild bank withdrawal and deposit logs are inaccurate, cross-realm groups are not working properly, raids were irrevocably reset, etc., etc.

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015

Which DRs in CC are now shared?

Von ennena, 03:43
Ok, this should be good.

Which DRs in CC are now shared?

Are you actively shifting focus acheter wow po away from spam control to some form of skill play?

Can we get a mirrored AV map? Or an option for classic AV? Or some form of AV that show cases the madding fun it was way back when......

Healing can be a nightmare as a shammy, can I look forward to another new galaxy of interrupts, silences and school lock-outs?

Are we firmly and finally done with rock v. scissors v. paper model or do I have to dread the return of that?

Being chain CC'd for 100-0 is not fun....well other than the 2 insta's I get off. That is not a question. It is a statement of fact.

I like that you are removing insta-cast heals.

Can we get some meat and potato information on design philosophy of BGs. Because PlayerVsWall in that certain BG was not fun....and I would love a look into the thought process of how BGs are designed.

Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Know Your Lore: Breakers and Primals

Von ennena, 05:00
The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how -- but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

What is Draenor, exactly? It's a world beset by war on many different levels -- there's the threat of the Iron Horde, of course, and battling clans among the orcs, fighting with the ogres, skirmishes between orc and draenei. But beyond that, there's another layer of conflict on the world, one that seems like a much larger struggle, one far more ancient and primal than anything the orcs, ogres, draenei, or even the arakkoa could conjure up.acheter wow gold

In the wilds of Gorgrond, a struggle is taking place that almost seems to serve as a backdrop to the main Iron Horde-centered story we're concerned with. While we struggle with the Iron Horde and their plans, massive creatures both plant and rock are embroiled in a constant battle with each other, either unaware of our presence, or so intent on their purpose that we are simply being ignored. Or, to turn that around, we are so insignificant in the face of this conflict that to these giants of the world, we don't even register as being anything of importance at all.

Freitag, 16. Januar 2015

TradeChat's latest WoW jokes

Von ennena, 06:13
The WoW Insider Weekly Recap will return next week, but in the meantime, TradeChat brings us another edition of her WoW Jokes series hosted by her cast of fictional characters. You'll groan more often than you laugh -- but a good groan is World of Warcraft(EUR) sometimes just as good. Be warned: the video does contain some language we would consider NSFW.

Dienstag, 13. Januar 2015

error of testing and statistical averaging

Von ennena, 04:38
You quoted yourself btw. And actually, you just agreed with me.

You can't get an accurate idea of what a class will play like with sims and numbers because of other factors that can't be quantified and only can be analyzed through the trial and error of testing and statistical averaging.

By the way, the minute wow gold you use things like "relatively accurately" or "relatively decent", then that's not accurate, and should not be treated as such.

Testing = Actual feedback.
Math crunching and Number running with no context = Speculation, nothing more.

Donnerstag, 08. Januar 2015

until I log out and log back in

Von ennena, 04:58
Is there a timeframe or a fix for the achievements going bonkers in game as soon as an event is triggered? Since the connection of my realm, achievements are fine when I log in. The minute I use a portal, join a group of anything like a "trigger", euwowgold then tracking my achieves are a pain until I log out and log back in.

Achievemetns I know I have are showing as incomplete.

It sounds silly but achievement hunting is what's keeping me around until WoD, using that time for all the 'chieves i've been slacking on. I had read that this was common with connected realm, just wondering what kind of timeframe is needed for this to go away or if anyone knows of a fix?

Dienstag, 06. Januar 2015

to go try again with a different team

Von ennena, 05:47
All were rare quality pets.

The first time I tried, I lost, because her third pet was flying and mine was beast, making all my snow cub's attacks ineffectual. I know we're told to have our pets in a certain order, but does that mean we can't swap them at all during the battle? I start out with them in the listed order, but on the second try I ended up swapping them out during the fight. (She started it by swapping out a pet that I had stunned). Anyway, if we absolutely have to keep them in the listed order for the duration of the battle, then I have to go try again with a different team, since all of my little guys leveled when I won.

And if Major Payne is sending us to all the pet battle masters in order, does that mean that eventually he'll be sending us against himself? I had a hard enough time beating him when I could choose and arrange my pets how I wanted; I can only imagine how badly I'll fare when he's calling the shots.

Samstag, 03. Januar 2015

so freaking out of control now

Von ennena, 03:51
This has gotten so freaking out of control now, the game is nearly This cannot continue and needs to be addressed in WoD. You really need to think about your customers and reevaluate what their game play experience means to you. I can't stand it anymore! I have been flying around the world for the past hour and I can't find anyone to gank.

What the heck blizzard.

Please fix.

Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014

I understand its an iterative process and all

Von ennena, 07:20
I understand its an iterative process and all...

But the realization that flying compromises content only JUST struck you guys? It feels like the kind of thing that someone would have maybe realized back in TBC and gone "wow po Oh...we should probably put the kibbosh on this thing before, I dunno, we make three more expansions with it."

Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2014

Developer intent behind the change?

Von ennena, 03:39
Lore it''s always a real pleasure to hear the rationalization behind changes

Quick question of you if you could. What's the intent behind the change for Word of Glory and Light of Dawn? Paladins already spend a at least 7-9 seconds building the Holy Power we need for the spell (if we use Holy Shock primarily). Why do these have to have Cast times? It just seems a little like our bonus spell which we built to is now the same old same old. Can you clarify wow gold fr Developer intent behind the change?

While it could of been worded by the fellow above me better, a lot of us "are" concerned about a Cataclysm 2.0 scenario, (to steal the phrase) as it was to be frank a unmitigated pain for healers. We often would be the first kicked from a LFD group, even though it was especially on fights like Ozruc the fault of DPS taking extra damage that our Mana could not resolve.

Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014

you're ready to move into raiding

Von ennena, 06:16
You don't care enough about the questing content, flight or no flight, to complete it going as far back as BC. You do enough to get you into dungeons and do that until you're ready to move into raiding.
po world of Warcraft
You're not going to be doing this level cap questing content for the exact same reason you don't do questing to the fullest now: The rewards from questing content, including this newfangled level cap content, are going to be inferior to rewards from raiding.

If the rewards aren't inferior, the raiders will pitch a fit.

Montag, 22. Dezember 2014

Cinematics, character development, and story in 2014

Von ennena, 04:53
The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how -- but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

Last week, we began to take or world of Warcraft a look at 2014 in review for World of Warcraft -- not from a general game standpoint, but from the standpoint of lore and story development. While we had some written material and media released midway through the year, in game the year didn't really get started until the release of patch 6.0 and the next expansion, Warlords of Draenor. But despite only being out for a little over a month, Warlords has made an pretty sizeable impression so far.

From a perspective of sheer story delivery, the leveling game in the new expansion is hands down the best thing Blizzard has ever delivered. There's not really more than a moment or two that you aren't being hammered with story from one direction or another, whether it's the unique struggles of two different factions on two different sides of the world as they establish their bases on Draenor, or the struggles of Draenor's natives as they deal with threats from the Iron Horde and beyond. Obviously, quests are everything -- what else contributed to lore in 2014? 

Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014

as you are apparently

Von ennena, 04:03
    Maybe we are trying to turn this into Twilight Online where we already have the cute little fluffy werewolves and we're missing the vampires...hmm makes sense. GO TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!

Please race change, World of Warcraft Gold as you are apparently a terrible Night Elf. If we wanted to be vampires, we'd just be Blood Elf death knights and spec blood, since that's essentially all that it takes to be part of the San'layn.

Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014

What's even sadder is that many gamer

Von ennena, 03:41
        What's even sadder is that many gamers have a lot of time invested in many of their characters due to the complexity of WOW's gameplay; and your lack of customer/technical support shows you absolutely don't give a damn about this!!
world of Warcraft po
    sadder isn't a word

Sadder is a word. It's very agitating when people assume just because there are like.... TWO exceptions where there is no comparative or superlative, DOESN'T MEAN WE HAVE TO AVOID ADDING "ER" TO THE END OF ADJECTIVES LIKE THE PLAGUE. *rage ended*.

Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014

Stuff which cannot be shown on a target dummy

Von ennena, 04:11
To be honest, I still link people to Icy Veins. No disrespect intended to anyone who made these but they are SO basic as to be darn near unhelpful. The only tiny niche where they might be useful is if someone boosts a toon and then it might be useful for the first 60 minutes (however you will die pretty quick on Timeless Isles with just this and greens).

What I think would be MORE useful is for someone to set up their bars fully, then go to a target dummy,acheter wow gold and finally talk through the bars end to end and the basic playstyle (e.g. keep this up, then do this, then do this, etc). Then last but not least go out into the "world" and show off some survival skills (e.g. fear, stun, defensive cooldowns). Stuff which cannot be shown on a target dummy.

But realistically we're talking a 60 minute video, not a 3 minute one.

PS - I'd love, for my boosts, someone to literally just talk about how they have their bars/hotkeys set up. That would be infinitely useful. Particularly if they're a very successful player.