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Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2014

know (most importantly) that we hear you.

Von ennena, 04:33
I know you're probably frustrated by any number of issues Ghostcrawler tackled in his blog. We completely get that, which was the entire point of his post. We're not telling players it's our way or the highway. We're not burying our heads in the sand and letting you figure it out. He took a lot of his own time to try and provide some insight and positive reinforcement, admit some design mistakes we've made in Cataclysm, and let you know (most importantly) that we hear you.

We also have to euwowgold recognize that there is a harsh debate within the community right now about the difficulty level. Players are flinging mud at one another and saying "learn to play", or "go grind in some other hardcore MMO". People aren't in agreement about these things and need to tone down the rhetoric (which Ghostcrawler addresses eloquently in his blog).

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

There are no rabbits up our sleeves

Von ennena, 04:22
I'm going to address this, even though this is something we've addressed many times before.

PvP is not balanced around 1vs1. We want people to group, rely on each other, fight together. That philosophy hasn't changed. We don't balance around one particular class. We don't balance based on who is playing what class this week. We balance around an overall picture of point and counterpoint in relation to groups. (Meaning 2 or more at the least.)

We say this often, but we play a variety of classes as a company as do the developers themselves. We play the game the same as anyone else. There are no rabbits up our sleeves. We do not have nor use GM powers in the game. We work for our gear, make our mistakes, succeed, fail, try again, the same as any other player.

We understand that there are those that feel that there are ongoing imbalances. We're aware of these concerns and as always, would like to remind everyone that balance is always ongoing for the game. That means, we are always taking in your constructive feedback providing it is constructive.

Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

want to eleminate warriors from the game?

Von ennena, 04:40
ok so you want Fury to be an under perfoming spec? even with the semi buff it recieved, it still barely middle of the pack and you nerfed it. Warrior tanks are not that great, arms is a pile of crap, and you want fury to be bad. Do you want to eleminate warriors from the game?

I am not being sarcastic. What is the plan for warriors in gnereal if you gut one spec to uselessness (arms) you just admited you want Fury to be a low DPS spec, and warrior tanks are below par on threat genreation and survival...

Montag, 20. Oktober 2014

updated content to advance the story

Von ennena, 04:34
There's a lot of new content in Cataclysm. There's also a plethora of updated content to advance the story.

Likewise, there's plenty of new content still to come in this expansion. But, we're also going to keep moving existing themes forward when the story calls for it. There were specific reasons for originally entering Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman, wow po but those reasons by no means wrap up the story of the ancient troll empire. These city ruins still serve a major purpose in troll lore, beyond just providing new locations to gain loot.

We're moving the story of the troll nations forward, and hope you recognize and enjoy that. Hakkar and Zul'jin are gone now. Even so, that doesn't make Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman irrelevant as key locations of Azeroth.

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014

what we were really hoping to address

Von ennena, 05:06
That’s a good point. I think what we were really hoping to address is the perception that a death knight tank must use every single Unholy and Frost rune on Death Strike, and game Runic Empowerment procs to generate even more Death Strikes. If you had to do all that to be successful at all, then that would be a problem. The spec isn't designed with that necessity in mind, wow gold fr though. Blood is expected to use (as an estimate, and assuming effective usage) around 6-7 Death Strikes a minute; any additional Death Strikes are helpful of course, but they shouldn't be mandatory. Blood is balanced against the other tanking specs with this assumption in mind. To be fair, one of the drawbacks of the active mitigation that Blood has, contrasted with the passive mitigation of other specs, is that it does require more work - but the trade-off is that death knights have an enviable array of tools to manage incoming damage and promote survivability. That's not to say that those tools must be used flawlessly - the spec is designed around using those tools at an adequate level. We don't generally balance specs around a theoretical maximum; in many cases, those levels aren't achievable by most human players in an actual encounter and only show up in simulations. Instead, we design around what players can reasonably accomplish.

Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014

Perhaps I should elaborate further

Von ennena, 05:00
Perhaps I should elaborate further. Heroic Leap should work on flat surfaces, and in a great many places, actually. We've had players telling us that it fails constantly, po world of Warcraft but without providing more specific information regarding where and how; hence the requests for more reports. There are very specific situations where we have purposefully stopped it from functioning to help prevent exploitation, which I've covered in more detail below.

Samstag, 11. Oktober 2014

down that content on its own terms

Von ennena, 04:38
Raiding is the pinnacle of what can be achieved in World of Warcraft; on the PvE side, anyway. With that in mind, we feel that those encounters should be epic, with epic challenges and rewards to match. Cutting edge raiding should present a real challenge and feel rewarding for players who are dedicated to facing down that content on its own terms.

Nonetheless, we fully expect that raid content will become available to a larger population of players as time goes on. Our intent has always been that players will be able to or world of Warcraft see more and more content with less and less coordination as time goes on. Ghostcrawler’s recent blog on raid progression ( states that very specifically, and it will result either from the natural proliferation of gear as time goes on, or if that’s not substantial enough, direct adjustments to difficulty. That’s really the underlining intent of our raid progression philosophy in Cataclysm: to strike a better balance between the hardcore raiding of yesteryear and the more accessible raiding of Wrath.

The solution comes down to timing. We want to keep it epic for the high end raiders, but also ensure that content becomes more accessible over time.

Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 2014

do anything but duel or farm

Von ennena, 04:28
This is really need for the horde our que times can be 20 min+ sometimes and that is a long time when you can't do anything but duel or farm.

Question for Bliz World of Warcraft Gold. Would it be possible to make dailies doable in raid groups? I know why this was put in originally, but now with rated BGs we spend a whole night in a raid group in que for these and I am not able to do any dailies during the down time.

If you dont want this changed I understand but it would be nice :)

Dienstag, 07. Oktober 2014

same pattern with their rez sickness and all

Von ennena, 07:26
I've seen countless bots in this game over the years. Back in BC on Thunderhorn there was a bot that used to farm motes of fire on the exact same pattern for hours on end. At first we reported the Bot and nothing was done, not sure why and world of Warcraft po really don't care. Eventually, the hunters in our guild would make a game of pulling as many mobs as they could near the bot and feign death to see how many would shift agro to the bot. That poor bot went from killing one mob at a time on his path to getting killed for a couple hours. Cause as is with most bots they return to the same pattern with their rez sickness and all.

Bots and gold sellers will always be a facet of this game. And for those that don't believe it ask a GM and see what they face. So what if Blizz bans their account. The gold seller doesn't care. It costs them one gold sell to replace the banned account. Try investigating it and you will find a cleverly crafted web of IP addresses leading to no where in particular. Try prosecuting off existing account information and you will find a fake name and address along with an email that apparently belongs to a fake person. See the most successful gold sellers use hackers and programmers that are near or better in some cases than Blizzard security programmers. They make big money off this game and pay their people a sizeable wage to get the job accomplished. And as for the FBI's task force on internet crime, I believe they are years behind the game developers and hackers. Who the heck would want to work for a federal government salary when there is far more money in game development and hacking?

Montag, 29. September 2014

Currently the engineering profession has goggles

Von ennena, 04:17
Currently the engineering profession has goggles, which use cog-wheels and the goggles themselves are currently the only items which have said socket. Based on wrath, when or wow the engineers only saw the goggles once at the very beginning of the expansion, my fellow engineers and I have been wondering, are their any plans to bring the goggles back in the Firelands, if by rep, quest or raid? and if not, will their be any way for engineers to add a cog-wheel socket to existing items, much like a blacksmith?

Freitag, 26. September 2014

which is standard for most games

Von ennena, 04:04
When you use the word "study" here, are you referring to a normal learning curve (which is standard for most games, even simple ones like checkers and hopscotch)? Or are you being more specific, suggesting that even if someone learns how to play World of Warcraft, the only way he or she can progress through any kind of end-level or dungeon content is by spending countless hours pouring over manuscripts of boss encounters, class specializations,acheter wow gold and item spreadsheets?

Standard learning curves aside, I'd argue that most players are capable of tackling dungeon content reasonably well (albeit not necessarily willing to, and that's fine) without referring to outside resources . Do those resources help? Definitely. For a lot of people, they do a great job at breaking important information into palatable, easy-to-digest pieces. And, of course, the more you know about a certain subject, the easier it is to approach. The same applies for most things in life: riding a bike, driving a car -- even playing other popular video games like Portal, Smash Bros, and League of Legends.

Now, could we make it easier for players who want to become more proficient to get their hands on helpful information? Absolutely. To touch upon your concerns specifically, we think the upcoming Dungeon Journal in 4.2 will be a huge boon to players when it comes to jumping into new encounters ( We also think that the game could do more to prepare players for those situations, in general -- in terms of actual gameplay -- and have a few ideas regarding how we might be able to accomplish that in the future.

Mittwoch, 24. September 2014

Player X has killed Heroic Halfus

Von ennena, 04:20
Which, mind you, is far less substantial than a system without dyes. Being able to instantly tell that Player X has killed Heroic Halfus is an actually relevant and worthwhile piece of information to have, both to the player looking at the character from the outside, and for the player behind the character being able to distinguish euwowgold his progress through the game. A dye system fundamentally undermines this process on both fronts, and provides a less concrete piece of information re: character appearance, which is to say that nobody cares that you're feeling Green/Purple/Blue today.

Montag, 22. September 2014

these weapons can drop from multiple bosses

Von ennena, 04:54
With an eye to the future, we're looking forward to two weapons suitable for Enhancement in Firelands that do not require killing Ragnaros. One of these weapons can drop from multiple bosses, so you can hold out hope that even if the first boss doesn’t drop what you're looking for, the next one might. There are also no agility po wow swords this time around to take up those one-hander slots.

Finally, some of you may be relieved to hear that the Shatterskull Bonecrusher was fixed to be 2.60 speed some time ago.

Freitag, 19. September 2014

stipulating low incoming heals is a bit unrealistic

Von ennena, 04:41
Cataclysm bosses aren't designed to work that way. A moderately-geared tank should not be in grave danger from Cho'gall producing 40K melee swings. The danger comes when Cho'gall uses Flaming Destruction for 80K while hitting wow gold with a melee swing. In that situation, the paladin block doesn't help against the magical damage, but the DK's tools actually can help him survive. And for either the paladin or the DK, stipulating low incoming heals is a bit unrealistic.

I'm not saying that -- hypothetically -- we couldn't implement a fight with this exact problem. These concerns are reasonable; it happened in encounters in Wrath of the Lich King. But we aren't designing boss encounters like that today, because the experience of tanks suddenly and unexpectedly dying isn't fun.

Note: Flaming Destruction should be expected, and not terribly sudden.

But the only way healers can compensate for sudden, unexpected spikes in damage is to spam heals without stopping. Besides the "not fun" aspect, we aren't designing fights that way because it would negate the entire mana game we're trying to create.

Dienstag, 16. September 2014

spent enchanting and gemming obsolete

Von ennena, 04:21
I spent ~20 hours this week grinding AVs to get 12 pieces of the 365 gear on my alt and today Blizzard makes all of that, along with the thousands of gold spent enchanting and gemming, obsolete.

Thanks Blizzard... and you guys wonder why people bot BGs all the time?

Edit: To the blue above, you already give the carebears a week of time to raid ahead of when PVP'ers get to do a new season, now you're making it so it's pointless for me to do BGs for a week too? I wonder how the PVE'ers would feel if you effectively locked them out of raids AND dungeons for a week.